Excluding balances from emergency fund

1 min. readlast update: 04.24.2024

When calculating a user's current emergency fund balance, Savology's system will by default include certain cash accounts. However, there may be cases where an advisor or client would like to exclude certain accounts and assets from being used.

Removing accounts from current emergency fund

By default, the following accounts are included when determining an individual's existing emergency fund balance:

  • Checking accounts
  • Savings accounts
  • HSAs
  • Other investment accounts (i.e. brokerage accounts)

Here's how to remove any of these accounts from the calculation of the current emergency fund balance:

  • From a client's account, go to Financial Profile > Income & Savings.
  • Find the account you want to exclude, edit the applicable table, and select the three-dot menu next to the account.
  • In the three-dot menu, select Exclude from emergency fund and save your changes.


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