Getting Started FAQs

4 min. readlast update: 05.07.2024

How do I join my firm's Savology account?

How do my clients sign up for Savology?

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What if a client signs up for Savology without using one of our firm's unique links?

In the rare case that a client signs up for a Savology plan without using one of your firm's unique links or invites, please send an email to and request to have the account migrated. Please be sure to provide the email address the individual originally used to sign up for their Savology account.

How do I invite my colleagues to join as admins?

An administrator with sufficient access rights can invite others to join Savology admins. Go to User Admin > Admins and click the New admin button. In the modal, select either Add from Existing Users if they already have an account associated with your firm or Email Invite to invite a new admin that doesn't already have an account and assign the applicable Admin Role to determine their access rights. Once completed, an email notification or invitation will be sent to the email address provided.

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Can I give administrative access to a user with an active account?

An administrator with sufficient access rights can invite an active Savology user to join as an admin. Go to User Admin > Admins, click the New admin button, and select the Add from Existing Users tab. Find the active user in the list and choose the applicable Admin Role to determine their access rights. Once completed, an email notification will be sent to the individual's email address.

How do I access my own user account from the admin portal and vice versa?

If you have created a plan through your admin account by completing a financial profile, you can access your Savology user account and plan by selecting the Personal Portal button located in the three-dot menu in the header. To access the Savology admin portal  from your user account, select the Admin Portal button located in the three-dot menu.

What are Admin Roles?

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What are Admin Access Rights?

Access Rights determine the permission levels, or in other words, what can be accessed by an Admin. Access Rights are assigned based on the four default Admin Roles.
  • General: Has full access to the organization administration portal, including viewing billing details, but won’t receive billing notifications unless those rights are also added
  • Account Management: Can manage organization profile and product settings.
  • Admin Management: Can manage, add, and remove other administrators on the account.
  • All Users: Can see and access all users associated with your organization.
  • Assigned Users: Can only access users and groups that are specifically assigned to them.
  • Billing: Can view payment history and add or change payment methods. Will also receive billing and invoice emails.

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Can I update provider recommendations?

You can customize the provider recommendations displayed to your users within their Savology account and personalized list of action items. Visit Manage Account > Resources to view, manage, and add your firm’s custom providers.
Add a new provider by selecting the New provider button and completing each of the guided steps to add the details, links, and logos. You can also preview, update, or delete any of your existing custom providers by clicking the three-dot menu on a provider’s card and selecting the appropriate option.

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